access time - The performance of a hard drive or other storage device - how long it takes to locate a file. 
active program or window - The application or window at the front (foreground) on the monitor. 
alert (alert box) - a message that appears on screen, usually to tell you something went wrong.
- an icon that points to a file, folder or application (System 7).
apple menu
- on the left side of the screen header. System 6 = desk accessories System 7 = up to 50 items.
- a program in which you do your work.
application menu
- on the right side of the screen header. Lists running applications.
(pronounced ask-key ) - American Standard Code for Information Interchange. a commonly used data format for exchanging information between computers or programs.
- part of the multitasking capability. A program can run and perform tasks in the background while another program is being used in the foreground.
- the smallest piece of information used by the computer. Derived from "binary digit". In computer language, either a one (1) or a zero (0).
- a copy of a file or disk you make for archiving purposes.
- to start up a computer.
- a programming error that causes a program to behave in an unexpected way.
- an electronic pathway through which data is transmitted between components in a computer.
- a piece of computer information made up of eight bits.
- a printed circuit board that adds some feature to a computer.
cartridge drive
- a storage device, like a hard drive, in which the medium is a cartridge that can be removed.
- an acronym for Compact Disc Read-Only Memory.
- A desk accessory used to select a printer, or other external device, or to log onto a network.
- A portion of memory where the Mac temporarily stores information. Called a Copy Buffer in many PC applications because it is used to hold information which is to be moved, as in word processing where text is "cut" and then "pasted".
Clock Rate
(MHz) - The instruction processing speed of a computer measured in millions of cycles per second (i.e., 200 MHz).
- the act of giving an instruction to your Mac either by menu choice or keystroke.
command (apple) key
- a modifier key, the Command key used in conjunction with another keystroke to active some function on the Mac.
- a program the converts programming code into a form that can be used by a computer.
- a technique that reduces the size of a saved file by elimination or encoding redundancies (i.e., JPEG, MPEG, LZW, etc.)
control key
- seldom used modifier key on the Mac.
control panel
- a program that allows you to change settings in a program or change the way a Mac looks and/or behaves.
- the Central Processing Unit. The processing chip that is the "brains" of a computer.
- a system malfunction in which the computer stops working and has to be restarted.
- The pointer, usually arrow or cross shaped, which is controlled by the mouse.
daisy chaining
- the act of stringing devices together in a series (such as SCSI).
- an electronic list of information that can be sorted and/or searched.
- (the plural of datum) information processed by a computer.
- (also - optimize) to concatenate fragments of data into contiguous blocks in memory or on a hard drive.
- 1. the finder. 2. the shaded or colored backdrop of the screen.
desktop file
- an invisible file in which the Finder stores a database of information about files and icons.
dialog box
- an on-screen message box that appears when the Mac requires additional information before completing a command.
- to convert linear, or analog, data into digital data which can be used by the computer.
- a spinning platter made of magnetic or optically etched material on which data can be stored.
disk drive
- the machinery that writes the data from a disk and/or writes data to a disk.
disk window
- the window that displays the contents or directory of a disk.
- a file you create, as opposed to the application which created it.
- acronym for Disk Operating System - used in IBM PCs.
- acronym for Dots Per Inch - a gauge of visual clarity on the printed page or on the computer screen.
- to transfer data from one computer to another. (If you are on the receiving end, you are downloading. If you are on the sending end, you are uploading ).
- to move the mouse while its button is being depressed.
drag and drop
- a feature on the Mac which allows one to drag the icon for a document on top of the icon for an application, thereby launching the application and opening the document.
- a file on a computer which tells it how to communicate with an add-on piece of equipment (like a printer).
- a protocol for fast communication and file transfer across a network.
expansion slot
- a connector inside the computer which allows one to plug in a printed circuit board that provides new or enhanced features.
- a startup program that runs when you start the Mac and then enhances its function.
fibre channel
- as applied to data storage and network topology
- the generic word for an application, document, control panel or other computer data.
- The cornerstone or home-base application in the Mac environment. The finder regulates the file management functions of the Mac (copying, renaming, deleting...)
- a 3.5 inch square rigid disk which holds data. (so named for the earlier 5.25 and 8 inch disks that were flexible).
- an electronic subdirectory which contains files.
- a typeface that contains the characters of an alphabet or some other letterforms.
- The surface area of a desk or table which is occupied by a piece of equipment.
- The breaking up of a file into many separate locations in memory or on a disk.
- a system error which causes the cursor to lock in place.
get info
- a Finder File menu command that presents an information window for a selected file icon.
- a gigabyte = 1024 megabytes.
hard drive
- a large capacity storage device made of multiple disks housed in a rigid case.
head crash
- a hard disk crash caused by the heads coming in contact with the spinning disk(s).
high density disk
- a 1.4 MB floppy disk.
- to select by clicking once on an icon or by highlighting text in a document.
- a graphic symbol for an application, file or folder.
- to format a disk for use in the computer; creates a new directory and arranges the tracks for the recording of data.
insertion point
- in word processing, the short flashing marker which indicates where your next typing will begin.
- software used to install a program on your hard drive.
interrupt button
- a tool used by programmers to enter the debugging mode. The button is usually next to the reset button.
- short for kilobyte.
keyboard shortcut
- a combination of keystrokes that performs some function otherwise found in a pulldown menu.
- 1024 bytes.
- in printing from a computer, to print sideways on the page.
- start an application.
(summary) -
*a bit = one binary digit (1 or 0) *"bit" is derived from the contraction b'it (binary digit) -> 8 bits = one byte
*1024 bytes = one kilobyte
*K = kilobyte
*Kb = kilobit
*MB = megabyte
*Mb = megabit
*MB/s = megabytes per second
*Mb/s = megabits per second
*bps = bits per second
i.e., 155 Mb/s = 19.38 MB/s

- short for megabyte.
- 1024 kilobytes.
- the temporary holding area where data is stored while it is being used or changed; the amount of RAM a computer has installed.
- a list of program commands listed by topic.
menu bar
- the horizontal bar across the top of the Mac¹s screen that lists the menus.
multi finder
- a component of System 6 that allows the Mac to multi task.
multi tasking
- running more than one application in memory at the same time.
- one billionth of a second. ( or, the time between the theatrical release of a Dudley Moore film and the moment it begins to play on airplanes).
native mode
- using the computers original operating system; most commonly used when talking about the PowerPC can run software written for either the 80x0 systems, or the PowerPC¹s RISC code.
- expansion slots on the Mac which accept intelligent, self-configuring boards. NuBus is a different bus achitecture than the newer PCI bus and the boards are not interchangable.
operating system
- the system software that controls the computer.
optical disk
- a high-capacity storage medium that is read by a laser light.
- a small floating window that contains tools used in a given application.
- a subdivision of a hard drives surface that is defined and used as a separate drive.
- to insert text, or other material, from the clipboard or copy buffer.
- acronym for personal computer, commonly used to refer to an IBM or IBM clone computer which uses DOS.
- acronym for Peripheral Component Interchange - the newer, faster bus achitecture.
- an add-on component to your computer.
- (1/72") 12 points = one pica in printing.
pop-up menu
- any menu that does not appear at the top of the screen in the menu bar. (may pop up or down)
- a connection socket, or jack on the Mac.
Power PC
- a processing chip designed by Apple, IBM and Motorola (RISC based).
Power Mac
- a family of Macs built around the PowerPC chip.
print spooler
- a program that stores documents to be printed on the hard drive, thereby freeing the memory up and allowing other functions to be performed while printing goes on in the background.
- the Apple system extension that gives one the ability to compress, edit and play animation, movies and sound on the Mac.
- acronym for Random-Access Memory.
reset switch
- a switch on the Mac that restarts the computer in the event of a crash or freeze.
resize box
- the small square at the lower right corner of a window which, when dragged, resizes the window.
- acronym for Reduced Instruction Set Computing; the smaller set of commands used by the PowerPC and Power Mac.
- acronym for Read Only Memory; memory that can only be read from and not written to.
root directory
- the main hard drive window.
- to write a file onto a disk.
save as
- (a File menu item) to save a previously saved file in a new location and/or with a new name.
- to shift the contents of a window to bring hidden items into view.
scroll bar
- a bar at the bottom or right side of a window that contains the scroll box and allows scrolling.
scroll box
- the box in a scroll bar that is used to navigate through a window.
- acronym for Small Computer System Interface.
SCSI address
- a number between zero and seven that must be unique to each device in a SCSI chain. Fast and Wide SCSI devices will allow up to 15 SCSI Ids (hexidecimal); however, the length restriction (3 meters) is such that it is virtually impossible to link 15 devices together.
SCSI port
- a 25 pin connector on the back of a Mac (native SCSI port); used to connect SCSI devices to the CPU. Some SCSI cards (like the ATTO) have a 68 pin connector.
SCSI terminator
- a device placed at the end of a SCSI chain to complete the circuit. (some SCSI devices are self-terminating, or have active termination and do not require this plug).
serial port
- a port that allows data to be transmitted in a series (one after the other), such as the printer and modem ports on a Mac.
- a central computer dedicated to sending and receiving data from other computers (on a network).
shut down
- the command from the Special menu that shuts down the Mac safely.
- files on disk that contain instructions for a computer.
- a program designed to look like an electronic ledger.
start up disk
- the disk containing system software and is designated to be used to start the computer.
surge suppressor
- a power strip that has circuits designed to reduce the effects of surge in electrical power. (not the same as a UPS)
System file
- a file in the System folder that allows your Mac to start and run.
System folder
- an all-important folder that contains at least the System file and the Finder.
32 bit addressing
- a feature that allows the Mac to recognize and use more than 8MB of memory.
title bar
- the horizontal bar at the top of a window which has the name of the file or folder it represents.
- to send a file from one computer to another through a network.
Uninterruptible Power Source
(UPS)- a constantly charging battery pack which powers the computer. A UPS should have enough charge to power your computer for several minutes in the event of a total power failure, giving you time to save your work and safely shut down.
- acronym for Uninterruptible Power Source.
- "software" advertised, and sometimes sold, that does not yet exist in a releasable for.
virtual memory
- using part of your hard drive as though it were "RAM".
- acronym for Write Once-Read Many; an optical disk that can only be written to once (like a CD-ROM).
zoom box
- a small square in the upper right corner of a window which, when clicked, will expand the window to fill the whole screen.

DBMS and Design SET-1


Questions 1:

The ascending order of a data hirerchy is:
a. bit-byte-record-field-file-database
b. byte-bit-field-record-file-database
c. bit-byte-field-record-file-database
d. bit-byte-file-record-field-database
 Question 2:
Which of the following is true of a network structure?
a. t is a physical representation of the data
b. It allows a many-to-many relationship
c. It is conceptually simple
d. It will be dominant data base of the future
 Question 3:
Which of the following is a problem of file management system?
a. difficult to update
b. lack of data independence
c. data redundancy
d. program dependence
e. all of above
 Question 4:
One data dictionery software package is called
a. DB/DC dictionary
d. Datapac
e. Data Manager
 Question 5:
The function of a database is ...
a. to check all input data
b. to check all spelling
c. to collect and organize input data
d. to output data
 Question 6:
What is the language used by most of the DBMSs for helping their users to access data?
a. High level language
b. SQL
c. Query Language
d. 4GL
 Question 7:
The model for a record management system might be
a. handwritten list
b. a Rolodex card file
c. a business form
d. all of above
 Question 8:
Primitive operations common to all record management system include
a. print
b. sort
c. look-up
d. all of above
 Question 9:
In a large DBMS
a. each user can "see" only a small part of the entire database
b. each subschema contains every field in the logical schema
c. each user can access every subschema
Question 10:
Information can be transferred between the DBMS and a
a. spreadsheet program
b. word processor program
c. graphics program
d. all of the above


1. c    2. b    3. e     4. a     5. c    6. c     7. d    8. c     9. a     10. d

DBMS and Design Set 2


Questions 1:

Which of the following fields in a student file can be used as a primary key?
a. class
b. Social Security Number
c. GPA
d. Major

Question 2:

Which of the following is not an advantage of the database approach
a. Elimination of data redundancy
b. Ability of associate deleted data
c. increased security
d. program/data independence
e. all of the above 

Question 3:

Which of the following contains a complete record of all activity that affected the contents of a database during a certain period of time?
a. report writer
b. query language
c. data manipulation language
d. transaction log
e. none of the above

Question 4:

In the DBMS approach, application programs perform the 
a. storage function
b. processing functions
c. access control
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Question 5:

A set of programs that handle a firm's database responsibilities is called
a. database management system (DBMS)
b. database processing system (DBPS)
c. data management system (DMS)
d. all of above

Question 6:

Which is the make given to the database management system which is able to handle full text data, image data, audio and video?
a. full media
b. graphics media
c. multimedia
d. hypertext 

Question 7:

A record management system
a. can handle many files of information at a time
b. can be used to extract information stored in a computer file
c. always uses a list as its model
d. both a and b 

Question 8:

A command that lets you change one or more fields in a record is
a. insert
b. modify
c. lookup
d. none of above 

Question 9:

A transparent DBMS
a. can not hide sensitive information from users
b. keeps its logical structure hidden from users
c. keeps its physical structure hidden from users
d. both b and c 

Question 10:

A file produced by a spreadsheet 
a. is generally stored on disk in an ASCII text fromat
b. can be used as is by the DBMS
c. both a and b
d. none of the above


1.b     2.e     3.d      4.b      5.d     6.c      7.b     8.b      9.c      10.a 


1.Which command devides the surface of the blank disk into sectors and assign a unique address to each one
1) Ver
2) Format
3) Fat
4) Chkdsk
5) None of these

2.If you need to duplicate the entire disk, which command will you use ?
1) Copy
2) Diskcopy
3) Chkdsk
4) Format
5) None of these

.............. sometimes called a boot sector virus, executes when a
computer boots up because it resides in the boot sector of a floppy disk
or the master boot record of a hard disk
1) system virus
2) Trojan horse virus
3) file virus
4) macro virus
5) None of these

4.A result of a computer virus can not lead to ......
1) Disk Crash
2) Mother Board Crash
3) Corruption o f program
4) Deletion of files
5) None of these

5.Every computer connected to an intranet or extranet must have a distinct .......
1) firewall
2) proxy server
3) IP address
4) domain name
5) None of these

6.Programming language built into user programs such as Word and Excel are known as ......
1) 4GLs
2) Macro languages
3) object-oriented languages
4) visual programming languages
5) None of these

7.Firewalls are used to protect against .......
1) unauthorized Attacks
2) virus Attacks
3) Data Driven Attacks
4) Fire Attacks
5) None of these

8.Which of the following extensions suggest that the file is a backup copy
1) Bak
2) Bas
3) Com
4) Txt
5) None of these

programs are written in a high - level programming language; however,
the human readable version of a program is called .......
1) cache
2) instruction set
3) source code
4) word size
5) None of these

10.The software tools that enable a user to interact with a computer for specific purposes are known as .......
1) Hardware
2) Networked Software
3) Shareware
4) Applications
5) None of these

11. ...... proessing is used when a large mail-order company accumulates orders
and processes them together in one large set
1) Batch
2) Online
3) Real-time
4) Group
5) None of these

12.When a file contains instructions that can be carried out by the computer, it is often called a(n) ...... file
1) data
2) information
3) executable
4) application
5) None of these

13.A complier translates a program written in a high - level language into ........
1) Machine language
2) An algorithm
3) A debugged program
4) Java
5) None of these

14.A set of step - by - step procedures for accomplishing a task is known as a(n) .....
1) algorithm
2) hardware program
3) software bug
4) firmware program
5) None of these

15.A complete electronic circuit with transistors and other electronic components on a small silicon chip is called a(n) ......
1) Workstation
2) CPU
3) Magnetic disk
4) Integrated circuit
5) None of these

16.A saved document is referred to as a .....
1) file
2) word
3) folder
4) project
5) None of these

17.What is output ?
1) What the processor takes from the user
2) What the user gives to the processor
3) What the processor gets from the user
4) What the processor gives to the user
5) None of these

18.When you turn on the computer, the boot routine will perform this test ........
1) RAM test
2) Disk drive test
3) Memory test
4) Power - on self-test
5) None of these

19.Which of the following storage media provides sequential access only ?
1) Floppy disk
2) Magnetic disk
3) Magnetic tape
4) Optical disk
5) None of these

20.In word processing, an efficient way to move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the 5th paragraph is ........
1) copy and paste
2) copy, cut and paste
3) cut, copy and paste
4) cut and paste
5) None of these

21. Hardware includes ..........
1) all devices used to input data into a computer
2) sets of instructions that  a computer runs or executes
3) the computer and all the devices connected to it that are used to input and output data
4) all devices involved in processing information including the central processing unit, memory and storage
5) None of these

22.The quickest and easiest way in Word, to locate a particular word or phrase in a document is to use the ....... command
1) Replace
2) Find
3) Lookup
4) Search
5) None of these

23.The term 'user interface' refers to ............
1) What the user sees on the screen and how they can interact with it
2) How the operating system responds to user commands
3) the means by which the user interacts with the peripheral devices on the computer
4) the monitor that is available for the computer
5) None of these

24.For creating a document, you use ........ command at File Menu.
1) Open
2) Close
3) New
4) Save
5) None of these

25.The .............. becomes different shapes depending on the task you are performing
1) Active tab
2) Insertion point
3) Mouse pointer
4) Ribbon
5) None of these

26.Specilizd programs that asist users in locating information on the Web are called ....
1) Information engines
2) Search engines
3) Web browsers
4) Resource locators
5) None of these

27.The background of any Word document ......
1) Is always white colour
2) Is the colour you presect under the Options menu
3) Is always the same for the entire document
4) Can have any colour you choose
5) None of these

28.Correcting errors in a program is referred to as .........
1) debugging
2) bugging
3) rectifying
4) modifying
5) None of these

29.Any letter, number, or symbol found on the keyboard that you can type into the computer ........
1) output
2) character
3) type
4) print
5) font

30.A symbol or question on the screen that prompts you to take action and tell the computer what to do next ........
1) scanner
2) questionnaire
3) prompt and dialog box
4) information seeker
5) None of these

31.Commands at the top of a screen such as : FILE-EDIT-FONT-TOOLS to operate and change things within programs .....
1) menu bar
2) tool bar
3) user friendly
4) word processor
5) None of these

32.The primary device that a computer uses to store information ......
1) monitor
2) memory
3) disk
4) hard drive
5) None of these

33.A file extension is separated from the main file name with a(n) ......, but no spaces
1) questiion nark
2) exclamation mark
3) underscore
4) period
5) None of these

34.Application software is designed to accomplish .......
1) real -w orld tasks
2) computer-centric tasks
3) gaming tasks
4) operating system tasks
5) None of these

35.A ...... is a device that not only provdes surge protection, but also  furnishes your computer with battery backup power during a power outage
1) surge strip
2) USB
3) UPS
4) battery strip
5) None of these

36.The term ............. designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance, its functionality
1) digitial device
2) system add-on
3) disk pack
4) peripheral device
5) None of these

37........... this is the act of copying or downloading a program from a network and making multiple copies of it.
1) Network piracy
2) Plagiarism
3) Software piracy
4) Site-license piracy
5) None of these

38.When installing ............., the user must copy and usually decompress  program files from a CDROM or other medium to the hard disk
1) programming software
2) system hardware
3) applications hardware
4) applications software
5) None of these

39.Which one of the following would be considered as a way that a computer virus can enter a computer system ?
1) Opening an application previously installed on the computer
2) Borrowed an illegal copy of software
3) Viewing a website without causing any additional transctions
4) Running antivirus programs
5) None of these

40.Programs such as Mozila Firefox that serve as navigable windows into the Web are called ..........
1) Hypertext
2) Networks
3) Internet
4) Web browsers
5) None of these

41.What is the main difference between a mainframe and a super computer ?
1) Super computer is much larger than mainframe computers
2) Super computers are much smaller than mainframe computers
3) Supercomputers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible
while mainframe uses its power to execute as many programs concurrently
4) Supercomputers are focused to execute as many programs as possible
while mainframe uses its power to execute few programs as fast as
5) None of these

42.What is the function of Recycle Bin ?
1) Store deleted file
2) Store temporary file
3) Store corrupted file
4) Store Document file
5) None of these

43.Which is the latest version of MS Office ?
1) Office XP
2) Windows XP
3) Office 2007
4) Office 2010
5) None of these

44.Which device can not be shared in network ?
1) Floppy
2) Keyword
3) Computer
4) Printer
5) None of these

45.What is the purpose of query ?
1) Input data
2) Output data
3) Sort & filter
4) All of above
5) None of these

46.Which port doesn't exist in computer ?
1) USB
2) Parallel
3) Com1 / Com2
4) RAW
5) None of these

47.What is the name of exel files ?
1) Workbook
2) Worksheet
3) Spreadsheet
4) Spread book
5) None of these

48.Workgroup means
1) Computers in network
2) Individual user
3) Individual computer
4) All of he above
5) None of these

49.Synonym can be reviewed with
1) Spelling and grammar
2) Thesaurus
3) Both
4) Synonym viewer
5) None of these

50.Which command allows you to reduce fragments of file and optimize the performance of disk ?
1) Scandisk
2) Diskcomp
3) Chkdsak
4) Defrag
5) None of these
  1) 2      2) 2    3) 5      4) 2    5) 2      6) 4       7) 1     8) 1     9) 3    10) 4
11) 1   12) 3  13) 1    14) 1   15) 4   16) 1    17) 4   18) 2   19) 2    20) 4
21) 4   22) 2  23) 1    24) 3   25) 3   26) 2    27) 4   28) 1    29) 2   30) 3
31) 1   32) 4  33) 5    34) 4   35) 3   36) 4    37) 3   38) 1    39) 2   40) 4
41) 3   42) 1  43) 4    44) 2   45) 4   46) 4    47) 1   48) 1    49) 2   50) 4

1.    The instructions that tell a computer how to carry out the processing tasks are referred to as computer .........

1) programs

2) processors

 3) input devices

4) memory modules

5) None of these

2.    An area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed is ..........

1) CPU

2) Memory

3) Storage

4) File

5) None of these

3.    To select or unselect one word to the right
2) CTRL + SHIFT + UP Arrow
3) CTRL + SHIFT + Down Arrow
4) CTRL + SHIFT + Right Arrow
5) None of these

4.    To maximize or restore a selected window
1) CTRL + F7
2) CTRL + F10
3) CTRL + F8
4) CTRL + F9
5) None of these

5.    To Copy a picture of the selected window to the clipboard
1) ALT + TAB
 2) Ctrl + TAB
3) ALT + Print Screen
4) Both (1) and (2)
5) None of these

6.    .......... is the key to close a selected drop - down list; cancel a comm-and and close a dialog box.
1) TAB
3) ESC
4) F10
5) None of these

7.    ......... is the key we use to run the selected command.
2) TAB
5) None of these

8.    ............ is the functional key to display save-as box.
1) F5
2) F6
3) F9
4) F12
5) None of these

9.    ............ is the combination of keys to switch between the last four places that you have edited
1) ALT + CTRL + Z
2) ALT + CTRL + Y
3) ALT + TAB + Z
4) ALT + SHIFT + Z
5) None of these

10.    ............ is the Keyboard shortcut key to insert auto sum
1) ALT
2) ALT=
3) ALT+
4) ALT–

11.    Data becomes ................ when it is presented in a format that people can understand and use
1) processed
2) graphs
3) information
4) presentation
5) None of these

12.    The term ............. designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality.
1) digital device
2) system add-on
3) disk pack
4) peripheral device
5) None of these

13.    A ............ is a microprocessor - based computing device.
1) personal computer
2) mainframe
3) workstation   
4) server
5) None of these

14.    RAM can be thought of as the ......... for the computer's processor
1) factory
2) operating room
3) waiting room
4) planning room
5) None of these

15.    Which of the following are the functions of a operating system
1) Allocates resources
 2) Monitors Activities
3) Manages disks and files
4) All of the above
5) Only 1 and 2

16.    To move a copy of file from one computer to another over a communication channel is called ?
1) File transfer
2) File encryption
3) File modification
4) File copying
5) None of these

17.    The primary function of the ............ is to set up the hardware and load and start an operating system
1) System Programs
3) CP
4) Memory
5) None of these

18.    What kind of memory is both static and non - volatile ?
1) RAM
2) ROM
5) 5) None of these

19.    .......... is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide platform for running application software
1) Application software
2) System software
3) Software
4) Operating system
5) None of these

20.    The ......... is the amount of data that a storage device can move from the storage medium to the Computer per second
1) data migration rate
2) data digitizing rate
3) data transfer rate
4) data access rate
5) None of these

21.    A device, which is not connected to CPU, is called as .......
1) land-line device
2) On-line device
3) Off-line device
4) Device
5) None of the above

22.    What is the other name for programmed chip?
1) RAM
2) ROM
5) None of these

23.    On-line real time systems become popular in ........... generation
1) First Generation
2) Second Generation
3) Third Generation
4) FOurth Generation
5) None of thes

24.    You use a(n) ....., such as a keyboard or mouse, to input information
1) output device
2) input device
3) storage device
4) processing device
5) None of these

25.    ............ is the ability of a device to "jump" directly to the requested data
1) Sequential access
2) Random access
3) Quick access
4) All of the above
5) None of these

26.    ............ provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously
1) Multitasking
2) Multithreading
3) Multiprocessing
4) Multicoputing
5) None of these

27.    The task of performing operations like arithmetic and logical operations is called ......
1) Processing
2) Storing
3) Editing
4) Sorting
5) None of these

28.    The ALU and Control Unit joinly known as
1) RAM
2) ROM
3) CPU
4) PC
5) None of these

29.    RAM is an example of
1) Secondary memory
2) Primary memory
3) Main memory   
4) Both (1) and (2)
5) None of these

30.    Magnetic disk is an example of
1) Secondary memory
2) Primary meory
3) Main memory   
4) Both (1) and (2)
5) None of these

31.    Which one of the following is NOT a computer language /
1) MS-Excel
4) C++
5) None of these

32.    Each memory cell has a unique number, assigned to it is called as the ....... of the cell
1) Address
2) Register
3) Number
4) Path
5) None of these

33.    RAM is also called as
1) Read / Write Memory
2) Long Memory
3) Permanent Memory
4) Primary Memory
5) None of these
34.    ............ Store data or information temporarily and pass it on as directed by the control unit
1) Address
2) Register
3) Number
4) Memory
5) None of these

35.    Select the Odd one
1) Operating system
2) Interpreter
3) Compiler
4) Assembler
5) None of these

36.    A ............ is an additional set of commands that the computer displays after you make a selection from the main menu
1) dialog box
2) submenu
3) menu selection
4) All of the above
5) None of these

37.    COBOL is an acronym for .............
1) Common Business Oriented Language
2) Computer Business Oriented Language
3) Common Business Operated Language
4) Common Business Organized Language
5) None of these

38.    All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT
1) hackers
2) Spam
3) viruses
4) identity theft
5) None of these

39.    Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer?
1) gathering data
2) processing data into information
3) analyzing the data or information
4) storing the data or information
5) None of these

40.    All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT :
1) hard disk drives
2) printers
3) floppy disk drives
4) CD drives
5) Pen drives

41.    The CPU and memory are located on the :
1) expansion board
2) motherboard
3) storage device
4) output device
5) display board

42.    .............. is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do
1) Nanoscience
2) Nanotechnology
3) Simulation
4) Aritificial intelligence (Al)
5) None of these

43.    Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a :
1) networkd
2) mainframe
3) supercomputer
4) client
5) internet

44.    When creating a computer program, the ......... designs the structure of the program
1) End user
2) System Analyst
3) Programmer
4) All of the above
5) None of these

45.    A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/ an
1) interpreter
2) simulator
3) characters
4) numbers
5) None of these

46.    Computers process data into information by working exclusively with :
1) multimedia
2) words
3) characters
4) numbers
5) None of these

47.    The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the :
1) digital divide
2) Internet divide
3) Web divide
4) broadband divide
5) None of these

48.    Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is calld ......
1) upgrading  
2) processing
3) batching  
4) utilizing
5) None of these

49.    The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal's computer is an example of a law enforcement speciality called:
1) robotics   
2) simulation
3) computer forensics
4) animation
5) None of these

50.    Where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy ?
1) RAM
2) ROM
5) None of these

  1) 1      2) 2      3) 4      4) 2      5) 3      6) 3      7) 3      8) 4       9) 1    10) 2

11) 3    12) 4    13) 1    14) 3    15) 4    16) 1   17) 2    18) 2     19) 2   20) 3    
21) 3    22) 2    23) 3    24) 2    25) 2   26) 1    27) 1     28) 3    29) 2   30) 1   

31) 1    32) 1    33) 1    34) 2    35) 1    36) 1   37) 1    38) 2     39) 3   40) 2

41) 2    42) 4    43) 2    44) 2    45) 3    46) 4   47) 1    48) 2     49) 3   50) 1

MS-Access : Objective Questions 

1    1. What Are The Different Views To Display A Table

 A) Datasheet View 
Design View 
 C) Pivote Table & Pivot Chart View 
 D) All Of Above 

2. Which Of The Following Creates A Drop Down List Of Values To Choose From?

 A) Ole Object 
 B) Hyperlink 
 C) Memo 
 D) Lookup Wizard 

3. The Command Center Of Access File That Appears When You Create Or Open The Ms 
Access Database File.

 A) Database Window 
 B) Query Window 
 C) Design View Window 
 D) Switchboard 

4. The Third Stage In Designing A Database Is When We Analyze Our Tables More Closely And Create A ___________ Between Tables

 A) Relationship 
 B) Join 
 C) Query 
 D) None Of These 

5. In A Database Table, The Category Of Information Is Called _____

 A) Tuple 
 B) Field 
 C) Record 
 D) All Of Above 

6. This Key Uniquely Identifies Each Record

 A) Primary Key 
 B) Key Record 
 C) Unique Key 
 D) Field Name 

7. It Is An Association Established Between Common

 A) Line 
 B) Relationship 
 C) Primary Key 
 D) Records 

8. This Is The Stage In Database Design Where One Gathers And List All The Necessary Fields For The Database Project.

 A) Data Definition 
 B) Data Refinement 
 C) Establishing Relationship 
 D) None Of The Above 

9. A Database Language Concerned With The Definition Of The Whole Database Structure And Schema Is ________

 A) DCL 
 B) DML 
 C) DDL 
 D) All Of Above 

10. Which Of The Field Has Width 8 Bytes?

 A) Memo 
 B) Number 
 C) Date/time 
 D) Hyperlink 

11. Which Of The Following Statement Is True?

 A) Foreign Key Fields Don\'t Allow Duplicate Values 
 B) In Primary Key Field You Can Enter Duplicate Value 
 C) In An Indexed Field You May Or May Not Enter Duplicate Value    Depending Upon Setting 
 D) All Statements Are True 

12. Following Is Not A Database Model

 A) Network Database Model 
 B) Relational Database Model 
 C) Object Oriented Database Model 
 D) None 

13. Microsoft Access Is A

 D) Network Database Model 

14. DCL Provides Commands To Perform Actions Like

 A) Change The Structure Of Tables 
 B) Insert, Update Or Delete Records And Data Values 
 C) Authorizing Access And Other Control Over Database 
 D) None Of Above 

15. The Database Language That Allows You To Access Or Maintain Data In A Database

 A) DCL 
 B) DML 
 C) DDL 
 D) None Of Above 

16. What Is The Maximum Length A Text Field Can Be?

 A) 120 
 B) 255 
 C) 265 
 D) 75 

17. Which Of The Following Is Not A Database Object?

 A) Tables 
 B) Queries 
 C) Relationships 
 D) Reports 

18. A __________ Enables You To View Data From A Table Based On A Specific Criterion

 A) Form 
 B) Query 
 C) Macro 
 D) Report 

19. What Are The Columns In A Microsoft Access Table Called?

 A) Rows 
 B) Records 
 C) Fields 
 D) Columns 

20. Which Of The Following Is Not A Type Of Microsoft Access Database Object?

 A) Table 
 B) Form 
 C) Worksheets 
 D) Modules 


1-D, 2-D, 3-A, 4-A, 5-B, 6-A, 7-B, 8-A, 9-C, 10-C, 11-C, 12-D, 13-A, 14-C, 15-A, 16-B, 17-C, 18-B, 19-C, 20-C, 

1. UNIVAC is
a. Universal Automatic Computer
b. Universal Array Computer
c. Unique Automatic Computer
d. Unvalued Automatic Computer
2. CD-ROM stands for
a. Compactable Read Only Memory
b. Compact Data Read Only Memory
c. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
d. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
3. ALU is
a. Arithmetic Logic Unit
b. Array Logic Unit
c. Application Logic Unit
d. None of above
4. VGA is
a. Video Graphics Array
b. Visual Graphics Array
c. Volatile Graphics Array
d. Video Graphics Adapter
5. IBM 1401 is
a. First Generation Computer
b. Second Generation Computer
c. Third Generation Computer
d. Fourth Generation Computer
6. MSI stands for
a. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
b. Medium System Integrated Circuits
c. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
d. Medium System Intelligent Circuit

7. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is
a. 1.40 MB
b. 1.44 GB
c. 1.40 GB
d. 1.44 MB
8. The first computer introduced in Nepal was
a. IBM 1400
b. IBM 1401
c. IBM 1402
d. IBM1402
9. WAN stands for
a. Wap Area Network
b. Wide Area Network
c. Wide Array Net
d. Wireless Area Network
10. MICR stands for
a. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
b. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
c. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
d. None

1. UNIVAC is
Correct Answer: a. Universal Automatic Computer

Explanation: There are no computers with the name as in other options. UNIVAC was the first general purpose electronic digital computer designed for commercial use, produced by Universal Accounting Company of John Mauchly and J.P.Eckert in 1951.

2. CD-ROM stands for
Correct Answer: d. Compact Disk Read Only Memory

Explanation: There are no objects with the name as in other options. CD-ROM is a non-volatile optical data storage medium using the same physical format as audio compact disk, readable by a computer with a CD-ROM drive. The standard 12 cm diameter CD-ROM store about 660 megabytes.
3. ALU is
Correct Answer: a. Arithmetic Logic Unit

Explanation: ALU is a unit in Central Processing Unit in a computer system that is responsible for arithmetic calculations and logical operations. Apart from ALU, the CPU contains MU (Memory Unit) and CU (Control Unit).
4. VGA is
Correct Answer: a. Video Graphics Array

Explanation: VGA is a type of Graphics Adapter. Graphic Adapter is an electronic board that controls the display of a monitor. This device helps the motherboard to work with the monitor and in VGA and SVGA the last letter ‘A’ stands for ‘Array’ whereas in MDA, CGA, MCGA the last letter ‘A’ stands for ‘Adapter’.
5. IBM 1401 is
Correct Answer: b. Second Generation Computer
Explanation: IBM 1401 is a Second Generation Computer and is the first computer to enter Nepal in 2028 BS for census. Government of Nepal had brought this computer on rent and later purchased for data processing in Bureau of Statistics. After this computer, another ICL 2950/10, a British computer, was purchased by the fund of UNDP and UNFPA for the census of 2038 BS is second computer in Nepal.
6. MSI stands for
Correct Answer: a. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

Explanation: After the invention of IC chips the development of computers plunged into next phase. Small Scale Integration and Medium Scale Integration (SSI and MSI) were used in third generation of computers and Large Scale Integration and Very Large Scale Integration (LSI and VLSI) are being used in fourth generation of computers. People are now expecting ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) Circuits to be used for fifth generation computers.

7. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is
Correct Answer: d. 1.44 MB

Explanation: Microfloppy disks (3.5 inch) if it is high density (MF2HD) can store 1.44 MB and if it is low density (MF2DD), it can store 720 KB. Mini Floppy disks (5.25 inch) if it is high density (MD2HD) can store 1.2 MB and low density (MD2DD) stores 360 KB of data.
8. The first computer introduced in Nepal was
Correct Answer: b. IBM 1401

Explanation: IBM 1401, a second generation computer was brought in Nepal by the Government of Nepal paying One Lakh and twenty five thousands per month to use in the census in 2028 B.S. Before this computer, Nepal was using a calculating device called Facit for statistical tasks.
9. WAN stands for
Correct Answer: b. Wide Area Network

Explanation: There are three different classes of computer network namely, Local Area Network (LAN) that covers a small geographical area such as a room, a building or a compound; Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) that has a citywide coverage; and Wide Area Network (WAN) that covers the whole globe or beyond the globe.
10. MICR stands for
Correct Answer: a. Magnetic Ink Character Reader

Explanation: MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Reader) is kind of scanner that can scan and identify the writing of magnetic ink. This device is used in banks to verify signatures in Checks.

1. One megabyte equals approximately
1) 1,000 bits
2) 1,000 bytes
3) 1 million bytes
4) 1 million bits
5) 2,000 bytes
2. Data going into the computer is called?
1) Output
2) Algorithm
3) Input
4) Calculations
5) Flowchart
3. Which of the following refers to the memory in your computer?
1) RAM
2) DSL
3) USB
4) LAN
5) CPU
4. When you are working on a document on PC, where is the document temporarily stored?
1) RAM
2) ROM
3) The CPU
4) Flash memory
5) The CD-Rom
5. Information travels between components on the mother board through-
1) Flash memory
4) Buses
5) Peripherals
6. How are data organised in a spreadsheet?
1) Lines and spaces
2) Layers and planes
3) Height and width
4) Rows and columns
5) None of these
7. Which of the following is true?
1) Byte is a single digit in a binary number
2) Bit represents a grouping of digital numbers
3) Eight-digit binary number is called a byte
4) Eight-digit binary number is called a bit
5) None of these
8. Transformation of input into output is performed by?
1) Peripherals
2) Memory
3) Storage
4) The Input-Output unit
5) The CPU
9. How many options does a binary choice offer?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) It depends on the amount of memory in the computer
5) It depends on the speed of the computer's processor
10. collection of web pages and the very first page that we see on opening of a web-site
1) Home-page, Web-page
2) Web-site, Home-page
3) Web-page, Home-page
4) Web-page, Web-site
5) None of these
11. When the pointer is positioned on a _____ it is shaped like a hand.
1) Grammar error
2) Hyperlink
3) Screen tip
4) Spelling error
5) Formatting error
12. The _____ of a system includes the programs or instructions.
1) Hardware
2) Icon
3) Information
4) Software
5) None of these
13. 'www' stands for _____
1) World Word Web
2) World Wide Web
3) World White Web
4) World Work Web
5) None of these
14. What menu is selected to cut, copy, and paste?
1) File
2) Tools
3) Special
4) Edit
5) None
15. You can use the tab key to
1) Move a cursor across the screen
2) Indent a paragraph
3) Move the cursor down the screen
4) Only (1) and (2)
5) None of these
16. The most important or powerful computer in a typical network is _____
1) Desktop
2) Network client
3) Network server
4) Network station
5) None of these
17. Which of the following is an example of connectivity?
1) Internet
2) Floppy disk
3) Power cord
4) Data
5) None of these
18. The ability to find an individual item in a file immediately _____ is used.
1) File allocation table
2) Directory
3) Sequential access
4) Direct access
5) None of these
19. The primary purpose of software is to turn data into _____
1) Web sites
2) Information
3) Programs
4) Objects
5) None of these
20. To what temporary area can you store text and other data, and later paste them to another location?
1) The clipboard
2) ROM
4) The hard disk
5) None of these
21. Storage that retains its data after the power is tuned off is referred to as
1) volatile storage
2) non-volatile storage
3) sequential storage
4) direct storage
5) None of these
22. _____is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do.
1) Nano science
2) Nanotechnology
3) Simulation
4) Artificial intelligence (AI)
5) None of these
23. Changing an existing document is called _____ the document.
1) Creating
2) Editing
3) Modifying
4) Adjusting
5) None of these
24. Computers use the _____ number system to store data and perform calculations.
1) Decimal
2) Hexadecimal
3) Octal
4) Binary
5) None of these
25. Which of the following is the largest unit of storage?
1) GB
2) KB
3) MB
4) TB
5) None of these
26. The _____ key will launch the start buttons.
1) Esc
2) Shift
3) Windows
4) Shortcut
5) None of these
27. _____is the process of finding errors in software code.
1) Compiling
2) Testing
3) Running
4) Debugging
5) None of these
28. To move to the beginning of a line of text, press the _____ key.
1) Home
2) A
3) Page-up
4) Enter
5) None of these
29. Virtual memory is
1) Memory on the hard disk that the CPU uses as an extended RAM
2) RAM
3) Only necessary if you do not have any RAM in your computer
4) A back up device for floppy disks
5) None of these
30. A _____ contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm.
1) Syntax
2) Programming structure
3) Programming language
4) Logic chart
5) None of these
31. When sending an e-mail, the _____ line describes the contents of the message.
1) to
2) subject
3) contents
4) CC
5) None of these
32. The _____ tells the computer how to use its components.
1) Utility
2) Network
3) Operating system
4) Application program
5) None of these
33. Which grouping do you work with when formatting text in word?
1) Tables, paragraphs and indexes
2) Paragraphs, indexes and sections
3) Characters, sections and paragraphs
4) Indexes, characters and tables
5) None of these
34. What is backup?
1) Adding more components to your network
2) Protecting data by copying it from the original source to a different destination
3) Filtering old data from the new data
4) Accessing data on tape
5) None of these
35. Network components are connected to the same cable in the _____ topology.
1) Star
2) Ring
3) Bus
4) Mesh
5) Mixed
36. This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits.
1) Hard disk
2) RAM
3) CPU
4) ROM
5) None of these
37. One advantage of dial-up-internet access is ___
1) It utilises broadband technology
2) It utilizes existing telephone service
3) It uses a router for security
4) Modem speeds are very fast
5) None of these
38. What is the term for unsolicited e-mail?
1) News group
2) Use net
3) Backbone
4) Flaming
5) Spam
39. Two or more computers connected to each other of sharing information form a _____
1) Network
2) Router
3) Server
4) Tunnel
5) Pipeline
40. Computers that are portable and convenient for users who travel are known as _____
1) Super computers
2) Lap tops
3) Mini computers
4) File servers
5) None of these
41. A computer checks the _____ of user names and passwords for a match before granting access.
1) Website
2) Network
3) Backup file
4) Data base
5) None of these
42. Office LANs that are spread geographically apart on a large scale can be connected using a corporate _____
1) CAN
2) LAN
3) DAN
4) WAN
5) TAN
43. The code for a Web page is written using _____
1) A fifth generation language
2) Win Zip
3) Peripherals
4) Hypertext Markup Language
5) URL
44. What is the process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to the hard disk called?
1) Configuration
2) Download
3) Storage
4) Upload
5) Installation
45. Small application programs that run on a web page and may ensure a form is completed properly or provide animation are known as _____
1) Flash
2) Spiders
3) Cookies
4) Applets
5) Sparks
46. The first computers were programmed using _____
1) Assembly language
2) Machine language
3) Source code
4) Object code
5) Spaghetti code
47. Which process checks to ensure the components of the computer and operating are connected properly?
1) Booting
2) Processing
3) Saving
4) Editing
5) None of these
48. In a relational database, this is a data structure that organizes the information about a single topic into rows and columns.
1) Block
2) Record
3) Tuple
4) Table
5) Command line interface
49. How can the user determine what programs are available on a computer?
1) Checking the hard disk properties
2) Viewing the installed programs during the booting process
3) Checking the operating system for a list of installed programs.
4) Checking the existing files saved on the disk
5) None of these
50. When we run a program in HTML coding _____ is used as backend and ____ works as front-end.
1) Notepad - Internet-Explorer
2) Notepad - Msn-messenger
3) MS-Word - Internet Explorer
4) Both (1) and (2)
5) None of these
1)3 2)3 3)1 4)1 5)4 6)3 7)3 8)5 9)3 10)2 11)2 12)4 13)2 14)4 15)2 16)3 17)1 18)1 19)2 20)1 21)2 22)4 23)2 24)4 25)4 26)3 27)4 28)1 29)2 30)3 31)2 32)3 33)1 34)2 35)2 36)3 37)2 38)5 39)1 40)2 41)4 42)4 43)4 44)5 45)4 46)2 47)1 48)4 49)4 50)1

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